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UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay

UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
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UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
All name brand items are invalid and wont work for Amazon like Milton, Link Locks etc. This is a new Policies for Amazon…..
Its a new system they have and they check all UPC’s .
so the only way I could use them is by doing private label.

We don’t print those number for you,

Just send U.P.C. number

When you create a listing on Amazon, use your own "Brand Name",  
- Do not use the certified or famous brands, that is the copyright issue, 
- Do not use the common words (home, love, pen, nice..), Amazon will not approve those words. 
If you would like to use the certified brand, use the code that are printed on the box of your product. 
Thank you!
UPC/EAN codes for Amazon International, eBay
  • Stock: 1000000
  • Model: UPC-EAN
1938 samples sold
  • Ex Tax:
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